About Why I Totally loved Jaisalmer
Jaisalmer – It is in the moments when you are splashed away in a surge of emotions, sweeping you away into alien experiences, that you learn the most. Experiences, whether positive or otherwise have an impeccable energy that stirs within us a knowledge that is so basic, yet so complex. One that can ever be imparted to us in any manner, it’s only that experiences makes it more understandable.
Talking of choices, though, makes the mention of a journey much obligatory, the choice of going away to an anticipated new year break; into an unplugged and solitary land; in the dusty and deserted region of Jaisalmer, Rajasthan.
In what was expected to be bunch of busted memories and couple of days at leisure with mischievous plans of bro-code arising in the mind; we forget the basics, that we only have the power to plan, the outcomes are indeed balanced on an intangible gauge; and actual occurrences often turn out to be different, though better than planned in our case, of course!

It begun with an overnight travel and cut short, here we were, in the middle of Jaisalmer, in a town washed away with a golden hue; swearing at the soul-freezing temperature as it chilled down our spine, a few hours before the dusk. The trauma that we went through, courtesy the atrocities of temperature, was rough but aptly rewarded, and in the best possible manner.
What I must refer to as a visual treat were the skies. Empty, deep strokes of blue gradually going lighter towards the east, the mist all around was a magical veil that covered the beauty of the town that’s said to be golden, in its blanket.
Over the course of that night, silences turned into the morning chirps and mist began clearing away with the rise of the sun, the Jaisalmer fort upholding its dominance in these lands. The veil loosening its hold with onset of the morning sun; the open roof overlooking wide stretches of empty, deserted land meeting the sky at horizon showcased the dawn in its frame.
Rays of the sun mixing in the palate of skies, hues of yellows and oranges, were quite a sight.
The next moment we saw it, the sun gradually rising from the land, and its warmth very feeble though, fueled us somehow, or perhaps it was the poised perfectness of the moment that plugged in us, a pause.
It did feel special to be able to witness, what-would-be-said, the last sunrise of the year, and philosophically, it was a bounty that I had realized is granted each day, only for us, the trauma, ‘which in my case was the brain-freezing coldness’, often tends to overtake this reward from us.
It was new year’s eve and plans to party were of course building, though this time what wasn’t obvious was that that we refrained from the bright and booming sessions of booze and bounce. Rather chose what was exactly the opposite, a calm, and relaxed evening of celebration.
So here we were, decked up for a voyage; and in no time, first the vrooming engines then the grunting camel rides of course, helped us make way to the camping sites. Here, amidst the golden dunes, was a profound sense of equal synchrony of silence and stillness.
A calm evening here was spent gazing at the sun being engulfed into the horizon, as if the sandy dunes were swallowing it into themselves and with the sun gone into sublime sands, the moon came into the picture; seeming like a coordinated script of a blockbuster movie.
A chilly winter twilight moon, couple of folk-dancers and singers, with some co-travelers we sat in the beds of land with sizzling fires around us, failing to convey their warmth, whispered their insignificance in a vast chilling desert of Jaisalmer.
While we both sat facing the flare, stoned not only by tonics but the perfectness of the moment, time and again appraising the wide, lit sky with twinkling stars; all we could sense was satisfaction.
Thar Desert

There, in the air of the Thar desert was something that brought peace to the soul, something that made us realize a comfort; the stillness of the sky, the coldness of the moon, and the silence of the desert, everything around us together conspired against our metro lives and questioned every moment, ‘is this hustle necessary?’
Every second of that moment was a thought in mind that made a realization evident. One, that it is necessary to stop, watch, and let things be. Two, there is a lot that we have got, we just always are too much consumed in searching the wrong pockets every time.
The night passed and it was quite a show to see how colors turned upside down within fractions of seconds; how silence turned to a great buzz just by ticking of a second was something really cool. It’s always a thrill to experience how time rolls itself while unrolling our own selves. There is a whisper every place wants to convey, a lesson that every second aspires to teach, the only condition being, we are awake enough to perceive it with patience.
So this was the blog about Jaisalmer of Moustache Escapes. We bet you’ll love Jaisalmer too, book your vacation today.