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Rekindle Love in the Jungle

We took you through the bushes, camping in Pachmarhi. But, you wanted MORE! We penetrated deep, uncovering hidden treasures. But, you wanted MORE! We unzipped unique jungle experiences, hang-in the nature. But, you still wanted MORE! Which is why we are back again, with not 50 but all the shades of Pachmarhi hill station!

P.S: Including the ‘Forbidden’ ones 😜

Listen up all love birds, the Rekindle Love in the Jungle. A 2 days and 1 night of Pachmarhi honeymoon package at the lovers point in the middle of the jungle. Perfect to strengthen your bond, reconnecting with the refreshing nature and your better half. Because we know, it’s easy to drop your month ahead planning a couple’s trip over a usual business meeting.

Well, not any anymore! We bring you the lover’s passes to the wild Pachmarhi. Unwrapping a unique and exclusive experience that she/he can’t say NO to!

Also see: Hang-In The Nature

Is there anything more alluring than taking a nature walk, hand-in-hand to remote, wooded waterfalls, or having some #UsTime in the uncharted corners of the Satpura Forest Range. Just with you, your partner, and the silence of nature. Far from all the hustles of “Adulthood’.

Sounds like your long-awaited Couple’s Retreat? Well, it is!

Start your day with a guided jungle safari in Pachmarhi. Identify who among you two is best at spotting tiger footprints. Strengthen your relationship by having a healthy competition of fish catch or counting exotic birds all day. Finally, beat the heat by enjoying a private pool experience in lushness. Get yourself seduced by the sensuous beauty of nature.

As the day was spent hiking; the night gets dreamy with a bonfire, barbeque, and the jungle lullaby, along with your custom touch as well. Perfect to set the mood to pop the ‘BIG QUESTION’ or to mark your special day forever.

Ignite your love, cuddling under the sky full of stars. An exclusive & private experience in our couple tent. Set right by the riverside in the middle of the wild. The only one who’s there to disturb you is the wilderness, but no one else.

Also See: Night On Wheels

Camps in Pachmarhi are the best way to interact with nature and pay you off with the ‘closest to the wild’ experience. And this Pachmarhi adventure camp is your escape from the weeklong hustles of deadlines, playbills, and all the so-called ‘daily life crisis’.

So what’s stopping you from romantic couple camping with Moustache? Follow the word- Couple who camps together stays forever.

Just grab your better half for the best of the wild. Only with Moustache’s Rekindle Love in the Jungle.


Day 1: Jungle activity & private candlelight dinner

  • Arrive at Pachmarhi and hop onto a 4X4 gypsy to Dehliya. Enjoy the ride watching the beautiful landscapes of Satpura Region.
  • Reach Sitadongri and start your jungle safari inside Satpura Tiger Reserve to reach Dehliya. The drive is through the dense forest, the forest is filled with wildlife like Spotted Dear, Bison, Leopard, Sambhar, Tiger, and many more, get your cameras ready as you can spot the wildlife anytime on your safari.
  • Reach Dehliya and start your jungle trek (20-30mins) to reach our secret camping location, on the banks of Denwa River.
  • Later, enjoy your welcome tea complemented with snacks and the backdrop of the forest.
  • Once done, get ready for fishing in the Denwa River.
  • You can also enjoy swimming in natural pools surrounded by dense forest and mountains.
  • Return to your camp and enjoy some personal time with your partner, relaxing on the riverside. As there will be zero human footprints within the radius of 15kms.
  • With the sun going down, get ready for a bonfire night with delicious barbeque. while gazing at the billion stars
  • Watch Milky Way Galaxy, visible in the zero light pollution as you savor your barbeque.
  • If you want our expert guide will give you knowledge about the stars and constellations and can tell you a lot of celestial stories.
  • Afterwards, enjoy a delicious candlelight dinner on the river beach under the stars.
  • As the night falls, retire in your tent with a comfortable mattress and a cozy blanket.
  • However, if you want we can arrange your bed to sleep on the beach. Perfect to spend a romantic night under the open sky full of stars.

Day 2: Exotic bird watching

  • Wake up early to witness the morning colors of the forest.
  • Enjoy your hot lemon tea and get ready for a guided nature walk, spotting exotic birds of this region.
  • Come back to the camp for your breakfast.
  • Afterwards, hop onto our Gypsy and reach Pachmarhi to end the trip.

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