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Tips to Remember while Backpacking with Children

About Tips to Remember while Backpacking with Children

No matter if you are single, a couple, or parents, backpacking with children sounds no different than a nightmare. The children backpack experience comes with challenges. And, can even make you lose your cool. One cannot deny, even a slight idea of traveling/ trekking with kids, toddlers or babies brings unimaginable discomfort and horrors, instantly. What if we say, you are just an inch away enjoying a family trip with these tips of Backpacking with Children?

One thing that should be kept in mind is that, kids are excited, impatient, curious, and playful, their #trekmood can alter just like any terrain change. A pre-training session before the trek, will not only train you but even your children to have kids travel backpack experience. Especially for the newly formed families, to train those from a young age about kids backpack and the adventure behind. Planning, and organizing house camping with your kids can be a great start where they could learn skills to adjust and adapt to a certain environment.

Perfecting them with basic safety measures, and other simple tricks that you can practice while traveling with the kid next time. Take a look at some of our tips to remember that will help you reduce some worries while venturing into the wilderness with your precious.


In today’s world, you can practically walk most trails before physically walking them. Find people who have visited the region on Instagram and YouTube. You can take a look at numerous videos, regarding backpacking with toddlers or backpacking with a baby. Even read the posts, and send an email to other family bloggers as well. Research and study your trek itinerary and how safe it is for experience of Backpacking with Children. Talk to the local ranger or get in touch with one of the correspondents from the travel agency, you are booking from. If possible, get in touch with your travel guide who can briefly describe all the information regarding biodiversity, weather, water levels, trail conditions, etc.


Kid friendly backpacking is an entirely different experience, when you need to make sure of each and every thing. We are talking about the kids backpack gears. Unlike adults, it is always preferred to purchase boots that match your child. Keens for kids with excellent toe defence is the best shoe option. And, instead of putting regular socks into the kids travel backpack, buy them moisture-wicking socks, or wool socks. These can be hard to find but saves you (and them) from the discomfort of long walking in such a condition. Also, an extra pair of clothing dry clothes keep your kids dry if they tend to see a stream or fall in a mud puddle. Finally, if your kids run cold at night, try tying the bag off at their feet. This would keep them warm as they sleep.


Backpacking with children comes with its own set of challenges. Hence, it’s better to take a first aid course and must be taught about the kids backpack do’s and don’ts, before going on the trek. Be assured of your ability to treat an accident to make sure of kid friendly backpacking experience. Also, do check your first-aid kit is fully packed and customized for your journey. A satellite GPS, in addition to the essentials, may appear to be out of your price range but assures kids travel backpack safety, while you venture into the wilderness. In the event of a casualty, this GPS will help you to connect with search and rescue as soon as possible. The best thing is that you can do it from almost any location on the planet.


Backpacking with a baby, can get worse if the resources are not precise as per your trek durations. Begin with a short overnight trip near a water source, backpacking with a baby should be properly calculated making sure of days and diet per individual for that particular trek. After a day of hiking, the kids will be ravenous, and if you’re carrying all the gear, you’ll be as well—everyone will want more calories than normal. Use your first trip as a benchmark for determining what you’ll need to bring on longer, more strenuous journeys. In short, the food supplies you bring on your trip must be able to keep you and your children energized while still being light to bear. Also, ensuring that the diversity they travel through is not littered. Instilling in them the values of responsibility and caution.


It is not uncommon when you find your kid not as enthusiastic as you, no matter how fantastic your trip is. One of the secrets behind a successful Kid friendly backpacking is not just plane talking and snaking, but something more than that. The best way to deal with such a situation is to keep them engaged with various camping activities and games. It’s better to plan kids travel backpack with games like guessing the animal, eye spy, scavenger hunt, etc. it will keep them busy while you treat your eyes with the views. Also, several trails have some backstories, which is a perfect attention grabber for kids. So, be prepared for yourself to cater your trip to their interests, occasionally “bribing” them with a snack.

P.S: Patience and Fun is the key.

Lastly, backpacking with toddlers, comes with tonnes of patience. But not at the cost of your fun while tripping. The joy of a children backpack is a mixed emotion, which will end up as the best or the complete experience of your life. It’s all about enjoying yourself together with your family and a little more patience can upscale the whole mood of the trip. After all, it’s their first time, just like it was yours at some point in life. Guide them and nurture them and take a quick look at these pointers. An ultimate guide, not to ‘operate’ but to attain ‘synchronized fun‘ when you are making a trip outside with your kids.

So it was the complete blog about Backpacking with Children of Moustache Escapes. Hiking can be fun with kids, teaching them about exercise; good health, self-sufficiency, confidence, and independence. Sure, it will not be easy but such excursions help them grow knowledge and appreciation towards nature. And, with our list of things to do while backpacking with children, you will be trailing the wilderness together.

Until then, keep reading, keep traveling!