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5 Quick Tips to Boost your Inner Hiker – Trekking Tips

About 5 Quick Tips to Boost your Inner Hiker – Trekking Tips

Hiking isn’t an activity that you can get good at in one day. Just like any other sports activity, you have to get good at it. Practice takes you a long way when it comes to hiking. Find out your level of activity and pick a trek accordingly, otherwise, it could get pretty tricky. You can consult a doctor to find out where you stand on the physical strength front. If you look online, you will easily be able to find out if a trek is easy, medium, or difficult. If applying for a difficult trek, begin your exercise regime months in advance. Here we will discuss some trekking tips.

Moustache’s Special Tip – trust us, this step is very important. Better prepare before the trek than regret coming at all.

Equip yourself right

Many winter treks require you to carry warm clothes with you. On some treks, you won’t even find a place to take a bath. In such situations, you need to stock your supplies in advance. Some important things to carry could be chapstick, nail cutters, sunglasses, sunscreen, wet wipes, candy to suck on, and so on. While descending, your nails could dig into the front of your shoe and hurt your foot. To avoid that, carry a nail cutter for you and your companions. Lips tend to get really dry and chap off on high-altitude treks. Make sure to carry some lip balm to save yourself from hurt lips. Sunglasses are very important to protect your eyes from direct sunlight reflecting from the snow. Use a good amount of sunscreen to shield yourself from harmful rays! On days that you can’t bathe, wet wipes will be your best friend! Women must carry extra pads or tampons just to make sure everything remains comfortable and sanitary. So it is also one of the trekking tips.

Moustache’s Special Tip – It’s always better to find a stick on your way than buying a walking pole.

Pack light and smart

Many people make the mistake of carrying heavy bags to be prepared for anything on treks. That is not a great idea and might lead you to hand over your bags to porters along with hefty fees. Here is an account of our team member, Krishna Rathore when she went on her first trek to Sar Pass – “I packed a heavy bag with me and just left for the trek. It started from Kasol and we must have walked only a kilometer when I started feeling out of breath. My shoulders hurt from the heavy bag and my breathing got heavy. On my way, I saw a boy from the same college as me He was carrying nothing but a school bag! I was astonished and honestly a little concerned about him. I made it to the first base camp somehow and fell to the ground. I found some porters the next day and paid them to carry my stuff for Rs.1000 per day. My friend carried his bag on his back every day without any trouble. Turns out he was the smartest of all of us!”
Moustache’s special tip – Read our “what to get” section for the desired trek. It will have everything you need to carry. So it is also one of trekking tips.

Leave no trace

When you leave a place on your trek, make sure it looks like you were never there. Leave no plastic waste, clean up your mess and leave everything the way it was. Make sure no flora or fauna is harmed during the camping process. No food must be wasted and thrown away. Even if you think an animal might consume it, don’t throw any food around. The animals are habitual of finding their own food and living out their own lives. Pick up everything you got, even if you don’t need it. The reason we can trek to these pristine places is because they seem untouched. Don’t interfere with nature and it will respect you! So it is also one of Trekking Tips.

Moustache’s special tip –

Find a trusted guide/operator

It’s important to trust who leads you. Your trust and belief take you a long way. The guide must be confident in themselves and must have the ability to lead. They must keep an eye on everyone and make the effort to lift their spirits. It’s normal to get tired on such treks, so your leader must have it in them to make you feel energized. Our expedition expert Kavish Rathore noticed some people getting too tired and demotivated while on the Bali Pass trek. He immediately decided to change the mood. He found a flat surface and invited people to join him for a short dance. Everybody forgot their tiredness and danced their worries away. After the fun session, everybody looked rejuvenated with energy and zeal. Such excellent initiatives always come in handy in such situations!
Moustache’s special tip – It always helps to go with a company with good reviews and trusted companions

So this was the complete blog about trekking tips of Moustache Escapes. Hiking can be rewarding and tricky. What many of us don’t think about are the various factors that we might face while traveling in a completely unknown location. Hence, It’s important to stay informed for your own safety and well-being. These factors will come in handy to make your trip memorable and not troublesome.